Designing and crafting purpose-driven events & programs

Imagine your intentions and ideas fully come to life: with interaction, participation, meaningful conversations and tangible results. For this to become reality, we bring all our expertise to design and enrich the experience of your event, workshop or program, to drive learning, collaboration and joint action.

Contact us

Who is it for?

Project leaders and people responsible for hosting an event, workshop or program with participants external to your team or organisation

What’s included?

  • Support with conceptualisation and design 
  • Bringing in our own experiences and resources from the Living Library 
  • Optional add-on: facilitation or moderation


  • Depending on the length and complexity of your event or program, preparation usually starts 1-3 months in advance. 
  • Our support also includes a joint debrief 1-2 weeks after the event or program ends, to support learning and your capacity building.

Expected Outcome

Thinking of your event or program: What would make it successful from your perspective? What would make it a valuable experience for your participants? Which capacities and long-term effects do you strive to cultivate? 

Be it knowledge and information sharing, learning and capacity building, trust building and empowerment, or collaboration and joint action: With your intention and desired outcome in mind and heart, we provide guidance in the overall design process and contribute our knowledge and expertise. 

More specifically, we provide you with all the tools, session plans, additional content and good practices that you need for running the programs, workshops and events yourself – or we join you in their hosting and facilitation.

Working on the Soil: Foundational Topics

Thriving & Growing: Deep-Dive Topics

Effective team communication and meeting culture

Meetings take up a lot of our time and can drain our energy instead of contributing to meaningful collaboration. Together with you, we analyse your current meeting structure and culture to harness the potential of asynchronous and synchronous work.

Giving & receiving feedback

An organism without sensory input is blind to change and adaptation. Constructive and precise feedback is an essential part of team communication. Considering the statement “clear is kind”, we reflect on a variety of feedback situations and processes.

Empowering team decision-making

Clarity on the process of decision-making can boost team collaboration. Collectively we begin to unlearn old patterns of decision-making and create space to set up and practise appropriate new tools and processes.

Purpose & values in teams

Gain clarity about your team’s purpose & values and how they can support your daily and strategic work.

Trust & team psychological safety

Explore conditions & practices to increase the magic ingredient for effective teamwork: trust.

Giving & receiving feedback

Learn communication practices and approaches for more mindful and effective feedback conversations.

Empowering team decision-making

Learn tools & methods to make decision-making more inclusive, efficient & empowering.

Setting boundaries & saying no

Practise setting and respecting boundaries in leadership and teamwork, and learn tools to communicate them.

Leading with purpose & values

Develop clarity about your purpose & values and how they can guide you as a leader.

Building resilience & handling stress

Develop supportive practices for you and your team to deal with stress and navigate challenges.

Leadership in a changing and complex world

Equip yourself for wayfinding in a VUCA world (volatile - uncertain - complex - ambiguous).

Peer learning in organisations & networks

Tap into the wealth of knowledge, lived experiences and diverse perspectives that are present within every group.

The Impact Garden

Discover a regenerative approach to Theories of Change to create new insights and foster a deeper understanding of your project and work.

Rethinking impact measurement

Learn about measurement as an opportunity to foster participation, reveal hidden potential, and to serve people and the planet.

Collaborative Innovation

Explore how corporations, governments, and civil society can co-create ecosystems that foster life-centered innovation.

Find the right kind of support

Get in touch to identify options to enhance your event and / or program.

Contact us

Our Approach

You bring valuable content, expertise and intentions that serve as seeds and inspirations to others. We support you in setting up the greenhouse that is necessary to sprout and grow them, in interactive learning experiences together with your participants. We are committed to making sure that these seeds find fertile ground by adding the necessary elements for cultivating trust, vulnerability, openness and many more qualities. ‍

We do this by:

  • Designing and facilitating learning formats of varying length and scope – such as single workshops or longer training programs – which combine expert input, peer learning, group reflection and action.
  • Supporting you in fine-tuning the agenda for conferences and public events, and working out the details, including briefing speakers, preparing exercises and guiding questions, setting up digital tools, and, if requested, facilitating or moderating sessions.
  • Providing session and exercise templates.
  • Holding debriefs and learning sessions with you to further develop formats and build in-house capacities.

We can also offer additional expertise by:

  • Providing input tailored around leadership and team collaboration. Learn more about our offers for Thriving Teams & Leaders here (add link)
  • Evaluating your learning formats to measure the impact both on individual participants and on the broader organisation or network, based on Regenerative Measurement & Evaluation (add link)

To explore how we can support your organisation or network, get in touch.

Through the very competent, constructive and creative support of Unity Effect, we were able to transfer a planned event in person with approx. 200 participants into the digital space within a very short time. Both the technical and the conceptual support made the event to be successful for us as organizers as well as for the participants. I would like to thank Unity Effect for the great and trustful cooperation and support!

Elena Weber

Elena Weber

JUGEND für Europa

In very challenging times, the global project on Reducing Inequalities Worldwide had to change its implementation logic from ‘on the ground’ to ‘digital only’. Together with Unity Effect, we were able to develop several meaningful and results-oriented digital formats. This collaboration enabled us to avoid various pitfalls and deliver the project as planned, and to explore how to strategically integrate online formats into our work.

Global Project on Reducing Inequalities Worldwide, German Development Cooperation (GIZ)

Global Project on Reducing Inequalities Worldwide

German Development Cooperation (GIZ)

Our first digital NachhaltigkeitsCamp Bonn was an experiment for us. Unity Effect was a strong partner during our learning journey. Their mindful approach to groups, the many fresh ideas to work and interact with the participants, and the support during the event, contributed to a successful NachhaltigkeitsCamp. And granted us many happy faces.

Annika Manz & Jana Jagalski 2024

Annika Manz & Jana Jagalski

Project leads, Engagement Global

The Kofi Annan Foundation enjoyed collaborating with Unity Effect for its Kofi Annan Changemakers initiative and greatly benefited from Emily’s facilitation skills and caring attitude. She brought innovative formats while preserving the core spirit of the initiative and was friendly and collaborative throughout the planning and delivery of the programme. On request of the organizing team, Unity Effect also conducted an impact evaluation of the programme, providing valuable information and suggestions that will further support the initiative’s growth and positive impact on its young changemakers.

Linda Peterhans 2022

Linda Peterhans

Kofi Annan Foundation


Based on our core principles to empower collaboration and solidarity we aim at a pricing that feels fair and appropriate for both parties. 

Day Rates
EUR +19% VAT

Day rates apply due to the customised nature of this service.

The exact day rate is determined together with the customer, based on what feels fair and appropriate for both parties. 

Find the right kind of support

Get in touch to identify options to enhance your event and / or program.

Planning Your Online Event: Setting an Intention and Focus

Read more
A clear focus and intention supports you to not overload your workshop, event or conference with tools and methods, but cut down to those you really need and which are actually supportive to your participants. And in doing so, create time and space for them to really engage. 

How to facilitate engaging online meetings with Zoom

Read more
As we at Unity Effect have already been running our workshops and programs online for a while, we have put together this practical guide to share some of the simple tips and tools you can use to make your online gatherings more engaging and productive.

Download: Checklist for Planning Engaging Online Events and Workshops

Read more
Planning an event or workshop can be daunting as there are so many details to think about. That’s why we’ve put together this list of questions which we ask ourselves and our clients when we design a gathering.

Our Resources

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5 min read

Planning Your Online Event: Setting an Intention and Focus

A clear focus and intention supports you to not overload your workshop, event or conference with tools and methods, but cut down to those you really need and which are actually supportive to your participants. And in doing so, create time and space for them to really engage. 
5 min read

How to facilitate engaging online meetings with Zoom

As we at Unity Effect have already been running our workshops and programs online for a while, we have put together this practical guide to share some of the simple tips and tools you can use to make your online gatherings more engaging and productive.
5 min read

Download: Checklist for Planning Engaging Online Events and Workshops

Planning an event or workshop can be daunting as there are so many details to think about. That’s why we’ve put together this list of questions which we ask ourselves and our clients when we design a gathering.