Strategies for organisational learning

The ability to learn and adapt is one of the most essential capacities for an organisation to thrive in the 21st century. We support you in developing a learning strategy that is intentional about where, when, how, and why to learn. This provides a strong foundation for making sense of internal and external changes at an organisational level, as well as for increased engagement and more joy at work.

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Who is it for?

  • Leaders within complex organisations and networks who wish to implement a participatory and adaptable learning strategy to guide and evaluate their efforts 
  • Leaders of projects and programs with a strong learning component

What’s included?

  • Initial assessment of the status quo, which can include document review and conducting interviews
  • Co-developing or fine-tuning the existing strategy, rooted in a shared intention and understanding
  • Setting up an evaluation framework to track success stories and challenges, and inform your decision-making


  • Due to the participatory nature of our approach, co-developing a learning strategy usually takes 2-4 months. 
  • Further implementation and support can run for the length of the project or a specified time period, e.g. 1 or 2 years.

Expected Outcome

A well-implemented and meaningful learning strategy can provide: 

  • An internal toolkit and language to use for regular exchange, innovation, and responding to acute challenges 
  • Mechanisms for effective information and knowledge sharing
  • A framework for capacity development, including talent development and acquisition
  • More connection, felt sense of meaning and joy at work
  • Reliable data for strategic decision-making, as well as for internal and external communication

Working on the Soil: Foundational Topics

Thriving & Growing: Deep-Dive Topics

Effective team communication and meeting culture

Meetings take up a lot of our time and can drain our energy instead of contributing to meaningful collaboration. Together with you, we analyse your current meeting structure and culture to harness the potential of asynchronous and synchronous work.

Giving & receiving feedback

An organism without sensory input is blind to change and adaptation. Constructive and precise feedback is an essential part of team communication. Considering the statement “clear is kind”, we reflect on a variety of feedback situations and processes.

Empowering team decision-making

Clarity on the process of decision-making can boost team collaboration. Collectively we begin to unlearn old patterns of decision-making and create space to set up and practise appropriate new tools and processes.

Purpose & values in teams

Gain clarity about your team’s purpose & values and how they can support your daily and strategic work.

Trust & team psychological safety

Explore conditions & practices to increase the magic ingredient for effective teamwork: trust.

Giving & receiving feedback

Learn communication practices and approaches for more mindful and effective feedback conversations.

Empowering team decision-making

Learn tools & methods to make decision-making more inclusive, efficient & empowering.

Setting boundaries & saying no

Practise setting and respecting boundaries in leadership and teamwork, and learn tools to communicate them.

Leading with purpose & values

Develop clarity about your purpose & values and how they can guide you as a leader.

Building resilience & handling stress

Develop supportive practices for you and your team to deal with stress and navigate challenges.

Leadership in a changing and complex world

Equip yourself for wayfinding in a VUCA world (volatile - uncertain - complex - ambiguous).

Peer learning in organisations & networks

Tap into the wealth of knowledge, lived experiences and diverse perspectives that are present within every group.

The Impact Garden

Discover a regenerative approach to Theories of Change to create new insights and foster a deeper understanding of your project and work.

Rethinking impact measurement

Learn about measurement as an opportunity to foster participation, reveal hidden potential, and to serve people and the planet.

Collaborative Innovation

Explore how corporations, governments, and civil society can co-create ecosystems that foster life-centered innovation.

Find the right kind of support

Get in touch to identify options to enhance your event and / or program.

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Our Approach

This isn't just another strategy paper that is destined for the to-be-implemented-soon list or, even worse, the drawer. Developing a learning strategy means starting with its relevance for daily work and connecting it with meetings and gatherings that are already happening. 

Working with us means engaging in a participatory process. We start with lived experiences inside your organisation, and from there develop the learning strategy with colleagues to create a shared sense of ownership.

We do this by: 

  • Developing guiding questions for interviews on organisational learning, with a corresponding methodology to analyse the outcomes.
  • Hosting participatory formats to discuss key findings and suggested elements of the strategy.
  • Sharing resources and templates from our Living Library
  • Setting up an evaluation framework with indicators and metrics, rooted in our regenerative approach to measurement and evaluation.
  • Ongoing support to implement and adjust the strategy, including reflection calls, hosting learning formats, and analysing the results of the evaluation.
Working with Unity Effect allowed us to pause and reflect on how learning was already happening across our organisation, giving us an external perspective on our strengths and weaknesses. They provided useful recommendations based on their strong understanding of the role of a network. Unity Effect’s approach/methodology is interesting because it is pragmatic, based on ‘experiential learning’: thanks to this, they could easily relate to our context and come up with robustly grounded analysis.

Peggy Sailler

Peggy Sailler

Executive Director, Network of European Foundations

It is fantastic working with an organization that knows us so well and can jump on board smoothly. Unity Effect has added real value from minute 1 to all projects.

Ruth Fernandez Audera

Ruth Fernandez Audera



Based on our core principles to empower collaboration and solidarity we aim at a pricing that feels fair and appropriate for both parties. 

Day Rates
EUR +19% VAT

Day rates apply due to the customised nature of this service.

The exact day rate is determined together with the customer, based on what feels fair and appropriate for both parties. 

Find the right kind of support

Get in touch to identify options to enhance your event and / or program.

Case Study: Skills Innovation Network launched with the International Labour Organization (ILO)

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Together with the Skills Innovation Facility of the International Labour Organization we worked to build a network of innovators around the topic of skills innovation. In this case study we will share our most important learnings for setting up and working with networks in a collaborative way.

Reclaiming Choice and Agency in a Networked World

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This article explores the difference between choices and decisions, why awareness of choice matters, as well as the different levels of networks & systems and how to navigate them with agency. We offer reflective exercises and actionable ways to engage choice for creating systemic impact.

Our Resources

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5 min read

Case Study: Skills Innovation Network launched with the International Labour Organization (ILO)

Together with the Skills Innovation Facility of the International Labour Organization we worked to build a network of innovators around the topic of skills innovation. In this case study we will share our most important learnings for setting up and working with networks in a collaborative way.
5 min read

Reclaiming Choice and Agency in a Networked World

This article explores the difference between choices and decisions, why awareness of choice matters, as well as the different levels of networks & systems and how to navigate them with agency. We offer reflective exercises and actionable ways to engage choice for creating systemic impact.